Richard and I have reached a consensus that the Eagles concert we went to Thursday night was quite possibly the best concert we've ever been to. Even though we were in the cheap seats, the sound quality, vocals and performance quality were amazing. The band played 3.5 hours straight with one short break in the middle. The playlist was mostly the classics, with some additional stuff from their new album.
Although I hadn't heard the new stuff, I did like it. I'm going to have to add the cd to my ipod and give it more of a listen.
We were sitting in the midst of a section of Joe Walsh fans, which was a hoot. I've listened to the Eagles a lot over the years. Seeing Joe Walsh play guitar in person was an absolutely amazing experience, even from the upper deck.
I have to say that I really enjoy seeing established acts in concert. The show is so polished, I always feel like I'm getting a good value for the money. I think some comparable concerts were Simon and Garfunkel and Billy Joel with Elton John. Yes, Mary. Both of our Ipods are filled with elevator music.
One funny thing that happened involved a guy a few rows in front of us smoking pot. He was being pretty blatant about it also. The occasional pot smoker is something I've just come to expect at concerts, so I usually deal with the extra smoke and not worry about it, but I've had a cold that I'm just recovering from and sidestream smoke was not something I wanted to deal with. I was having fantasies about pelting the guy with my water bottle when a little old lady in front of me did just that. After getting hit a few times with various bits o' trash and looking around in absolute confusion, he finally put out the joint. It cracked me up. So I say "Go little old lady!" I don't know if you are fighting a one-woman war on drugs or just taking umbrage at annoying people in public venues, but my lungs owe you some thanks.
As an aside, this assault by garbage was something I witnessed when I saw Bob Dylan and Paul Simon at Starwood. The very drunk hippie biker next to me (who very sweetly insisted on sharing his binoculars with me throughout the evening) stood up during the Dylan set and threw a bag at a lady dancing about 20 rows up. Granted, she was the only person in the whole venue dancing at that point (it was getting pretty late) and she was directly blocking our view of the stage. Oddly enough, when she turned around, I realized I knew her. She was on the faculty in the English department at Tech, where I was working at the time as a teaching assistant.
So she turns around to look at me and the drunk hippie sitting next to me and I sink in the seat, hoping she doesn't recognize me and think my drunk hippie date is assaulting her. The next morning at Tech I passed her talking to several teachers in the doorway at Henderson Hall. "How was the Dylan concert?" "Yeeeeah, it was really great, except this weird guy threw stuff at me for dancing. I mean, it was a concert." For what it's worth, drunk hippie guy loved the show and the chance to see Dylan was a transcendant experience for him. The English teacher was not injured. A good time was had by all.