Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fourth of July

Scenes from the Fourth of July picnic at my Grandma Hodgins.

Eva looks happy.

Mary says why, oh why, Robin, do you keep taking pictures of me?

A picture of mom hanging out, actually smiling. Where's the grumpy "don't take my picture" face?

Boomer, Eva and Wilene give me odd looks.

Alivia poses for the camera. She actually likes having her picture taken.

Richard nods off while talking to Doyle. He hasn't been the same since he lost his hat at the
Mexican restaurant and could not recover it due to an unfortunate language barrier.
We are searching for a new hat to help with the loss. This is the last photo of the hat.


Beth said...

Describe the hat - I can help search on-line.

Anonymous said...

The hat is a Tennessee Central Railway Museum Hat. They have them on excursion trains and at the Tennessee Central Railway Museum in Nashville.