Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Decorating the Tree

A little late, as usual. But we finally got around to putting the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Mary wore her Santa hat. Richard and I donned our antlers. We listened to Christmas music and put a good assortment of ornaments on the tree. We left out some of the more breakable ornaments, which was for the best since I managed to break two of the ones we did put on the tree (one of five gold and purple tech ornaments and one of Mary's ornaments --sorry Mary!) . I told Richard that next year we are surrounding the tree with a layer of bubble wrap.

My antlers are crooked.

Richard and I stand in front of the tree.

Trying to take a picture of all of us together. We tried to get Sammy to take the photo, but cats aren't overly helpful.

We got antlers on Richard. He's such a good sport!

We got antlers on Boo! Boo was FREAKED out.

Mary puts an ornament on the tree.

Another cute photo of Mary just because she's adorable. And a great cook!

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