Not much is going on in the land of Spring Hill. We had another brush with the bag monster last night. We brought home take out from Jason's Deli (featuring a brown bag with handles). Tilly jumped in the bag, got her head stuck through the handle and went tearing through the house, shedding bag parts, spare sporks, napkins and the occasional garnish. We finally cornered her in the office and Richard managed to remove the bag handle. The rest of the bag at that point had been demolished. I didn't have the time or the heart to take her picture.
This is the second time the evil Bag Monster has struck. The first time it happened to Sammy. Cats are usually very prideful creatures, but when confronted with the Bag Monster, they are very happy to have human assistance in routing the evil.
This is the second time the evil Bag Monster has struck. The first time it happened to Sammy. Cats are usually very prideful creatures, but when confronted with the Bag Monster, they are very happy to have human assistance in routing the evil.
The other odd thing I've discovered this week is that Sammy and Cleo like fresh avocado. I know. It's just weird. We have all kinds of nicknames for Cleo. She's often referred to as "ominvore cat" or "printer cat" given her tendencies to eat any type of food and to coax print job repeats from the printer. (Richard discovered his Christmas presents a tad early when she reprinted the receipts off when I was out of the room.) And when I say any type of food, I mean any type of food. She loves chocolate, which is not good for her, so we have to be diligent about keeping it up. Pineapple, oatmeal, sour cream, eggs, pop tarts, potato chips, melon. No food escapes her friendly "Hey! Can I have a bite of that?" face.
In light of this, I've started calling her Omnivore Guttenburg. It's a bit of a mouthful, so maybe we'll just use it on special occasions. :-)
Will she be printing a Bible? Or perhaps starring in a series of "Police Academy" movies?
Probably more like the Police Academy route. She does make odd noises, so maybe she's the cat equivalent of the one guy who was like a human sound effects cd. Maybe she could print a cat Bible: On the Seventh Day, thou shall buy Tuna.
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