Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas Cactus!

My Christmas Cactus is finally in bloom!!! To give you some back story on the Christmas Cactus, my mom gave me this as a housewarming gift when we moved in. It spent some time upstairs in the kitchen, only to get watered too much by me and often unceremoniously dumped by Libby. I moved it to the garage in the hopes that it would survive.

It has done so wonderfully since, on a high shelf next to one of the garage windows. It's not in a very fancy pot because, well, it lives in the garage.

This is the first time it has ever bloomed :-)

To give further backstory on the Christmas Cactus (I think it needs a name), I believe this plant is a clipping off my Grandmother Choate's Christmas Cactus that has been in her house as long as I can remember. Her cactus often blooms. She must have given hers a name sooner.

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