Monday, April 13, 2009

Mary's Honor's Banquet

Mary with her medal.

Mary's outfit was very cute...those are her prom shoes that she is trying to break in.

I attended Mary's Honor's Banquet in Johnson City this past week and really had a good time. She received a medal and a certificate for her achievements. We had a nice banquet style dinner with the others who qualified for honors and the school board. The kids got to stand in front of a microphone and introduce themselves and talk about their planned colleges and majors. Mary was nervous, but she did a great job. One thing I noticed was that her honors group had 3 sets of twins in it. That seemed statistically odd to me. It also seemed odd that the pork loin looked like turkey or that the turkey tasted like pork loin.

We had a very funny exchange looking for an alteration place in Kingsport. Oddly enough, I spent a year of my life living near Kingsport when I was very young. Nothing looked familiar, but luckily I had my trusty GPS to direct us to the downtown area and to the seamstress who agreed to take on her dress to hem. After I missed a turn ordered by the GPS yet again, and we had made several detours to get back to where we were supposed to be, Mary said to me "You always argue with the Garmin. I think we both have issues with authority." I hadn't realized until that point that yes, I do argue with the GPS and at times I berate its parentage. I have resolved to be kinder in the hopes that the Garmin will continue getting me where I want to go.

I drove back Saturday after all the storms and baked a pound cake for Easter. Here's the recipe if anyone is interested. It was amazing, but incredibly rich.

Speaking of Easter, I know this is a little late, but still, very, very cute:

The geese decide to masquerade as the Easter Bunny.

"'re not a real bunny. There's something fishy going on here."

Cleo nommed the ears off the goose. (She usually doesn't bother them, but I think they were in a strange place and attracted her bored-cat attention).

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