Monday, January 19, 2009

Goose nurses and a late witch

I haven't updated in a while, but I had some new photos to put up. Richard is still doing well. We are both taking it easy, taking naps, getting lots of rest and things are getting back to normal.

The geese are hanging out in their nursing outfits. Richard says that after the bill
from Vanderbilt, we need to find barrels for them to wear.

The witch steals my chair, my remote and the cat toy.

Beth wrote me a nice poem to explain that my witch had taken a detour. This was a great Christmas present and I look forward to putting her out with the other decorations next year. I may put her out for Easter. Spice up the neighborhood. Hand out fanged Peeps. I wanted to write a nice poem too, but this is what goes through my head when I try:

"The house began to pitch. The kitchen took a slitch.
It landed on the Wicked Witch in the middle of a ditch,
Which was not a healthy situation for the Wicked Witch."

The Fed Ex man had a fit. He could not find the box in which the witch did sit.
The witch went on a trip, disguised as a no tool needed bookcase kit.
After such a snit, the witch some luck did hit
and ended up in Spring Hill and on the porch alit:
"Sorry for the mix up!!!" upon her box was writ.

If I had a day job, I wouldn't quit it. :-)

And finally....

Libby continues to be A-door-able.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the new geese outfits!

Richard's grandmother would approve so much of your attitude and your care of her geese!

Your late-arriving Christmas gift witch should look great on your porch next October.

And Libby is really something else! You'd never be able to put something out of reach, would you?