Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A visit to the vet!

Sammy and Libby had their annual checkup today. They both did very well, although Libby was extremely "tense" during the exam and shots. Sammy was not happy, but was fairly submissive about it. We got out with no one getting scratched and both cats in decent moods, although neither will acknowledge my existence because I was the evil one who put them in the boxes and took them. I guess they'll just have to be Richard's cats for a few days :-)

Unfortunately, the saga is not over. We have to return for booster shots in 3 weeks because of a new drug they are using. Arggh.


Mama Bert said...

Haven't you learned to have Richard put them in carriers and then cart them off to the vet yet? That way he gets mean looks instead of you. Now that's the way it should be but it doesn't work. Don takes the dogs to the vet. They spend days afterward because they know I insisted that he take them. Seriously, they're never mad at him, but are always mad at me after a trip.. Go figure!

Mama Bert said...

Oops, did an Adam there. Meant to say they spend days afterward being mad at me instead of him. Oh well.

Robin said...

We did that last time and I think it worked. I think we've agreed that he's going to take the next round this summer. Probably Boo and Cleo. They are a little heavier than Sammy and Libby. Tilly of course, is no trouble at all, being cute and little and low-maintenance.