Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Recovering from the holiday

I'm hoping everyone had a great Labor Day weekend. Mary visited with Jane and John while Richard and I caught up on yardwork. I need to take pictures of the yard and post them....I'll add that to my list of things to do :-)

Some things are doing well despite the drought. I think this has a lot to do with Richard's careful attention to watering everything. The Rose of Sharon bushes have finally bloomed. The marigolds my friend Anri gave me have outgrown the pot they were in and are now enormous and blooming in one of my flower beds.

I'm taking advantage of my time off to catch up on some reading. I'm working on The House of Mirth, which is interesting. I just finished reading Mary's required reading for English, which includes a lot of Kurt Vonnegut. This way we can discuss. And argue. Mary's big on the arguing. But after all, she is a teenager.


Unknown said...

Hey! Glad to know that the marigolds are doing great. Our plants in our porch are... dead. We tried as hard as possible, but they couldn't survive because of the strong sunlight and the heat. Sigh. I can't wait to see your photos of your garden!

Mama Bert said...

Suggest to Anri to try drought tolerate plants next year. Lantana, marigolds, miniature cannas and nasturiums love hot dry weather.