Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Extravaganza 2014

Breaking away from the trend of every post being about how I haven't actually posted to this blog in over 12 months, I'm going to skip the excuses and go right to the point. I have finished the amazing, the magnificent, the spooky, the gross, the somewhat scary Halloween decorations for 2014. It was a lot of extra effort this year since I am still a little tired after having surgery a few months ago (oh Blog, what you have missed!) 

In any case, enjoy! I am looking forward to see what the kids are dressing up as this year!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Wind Through the Maple

It has been a over a year since I posted on this blog. I am certainly not much of a blogger! I do however, have a giant folder overflowing with interesting tidbits for you, my few but intrepid readers. I was happy to see that the blog site I use has added a feature where I can upload multiple photos at once. That's really going to help things along!

We recently went on a trip to Boston with Richard's family (will post those photos soon). After returning, a sudden windstorm blew down the tree in our backyard and also damaged our roof. I've spent the last couple of weeks dealing with insurance adjusters and tree trimmers. 

Luckily there wasn't a lot of damage to the fence. I can probably fix it myself because I'm handy like that. The beautiful stain job on the fence was my crowning achievement a few summers ago.
 This is what the yard looks like without the tree. I'm not quite sure what to do with all of this space. More garden space? You always need more garden space. My plants really need some thinning, so I thought about spreading some of them out.

This is what the yard originally looked like when we bought the house over 8 years ago. The tree was tiny then! As you can see from the first photo, it had gotten quite a bit larger!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter!

You're never too old to get an Easter basket.

We have to come up with a name for the new bunny.

We should probably name the geese as well, as they are such snappy dressers. They are pictured here in their Easter garb.

Some bonus photos of Mary The Trivia Master

And a very content sleeping kitty.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Geese!

I have been trying to wrangle the geese into their holiday finery. They were not cooperative as you can see from their festive Carmen Miranda attire:

But finally, they agreed and voila: Christmas Geese!

Cleo once again tried to eat the antlers. At least it distracted her from the Christmas ribbon for a minute! :-) a Christmas treat, Aunt Janet sent us a beautiful basket with Amaryllis flowers in it. I am very excited that they are doing so well.