from Vanderbilt, we need to find barrels for them to wear.
Beth wrote me a nice poem to explain that my witch had taken a detour. This was a great Christmas present and I look forward to putting her out with the other decorations next year. I may put her out for Easter. Spice up the neighborhood. Hand out fanged Peeps. I wanted to write a nice poem too, but this is what goes through my head when I try:
"The house began to pitch. The kitchen took a slitch.
It landed on the Wicked Witch in the middle of a ditch,
Which was not a healthy situation for the Wicked Witch."
The Fed Ex man had a fit. He could not find the box in which the witch did sit.
The witch went on a trip, disguised as a no tool needed bookcase kit.
After such a snit, the witch some luck did hit
and ended up in Spring Hill and on the porch alit:
"Sorry for the mix up!!!" upon her box was writ.
If I had a day job, I wouldn't quit it. :-)
And finally....