"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" returns for its second year as Richard and I try our gardening skills. This year, we deliberately planted pumpkins and got one very nice pumpkin for our trouble. I don't guess we are ever going to make very effective farmers, given the limited yield of our crop, but in the end, it's all about quality, not quantity.
The other neat thing that happened today is that we've had a squirrel visiting our feeder. So far, he's been pretty polite about it and is somewhat solitary in his foraging. Today, I discovered the squirrel likes Billie Holiday. I'm working at the kitchen table, doing some ads with the windows wide open and the breeze a blowing. I look up and the squirrel is braving the cats and sitting on the deck right outside the window, listening to Billie Holiday's greatest hits with me. It's nice to know that even rodents have taste in music.
Speaking of rodents. I have been remiss in introducing a new member of the family on the blog. Mary has a new Hamster named Doctor Who or "Doc" for short. He is very handsome and has many fine hamster qualities that I get to hear about every evening and often witness over a program called Skype.
Skype is a program that allows you to do video chat over the internet (if both people have webcams). It's really easy to set up, free to dowload from www.skype.com and is free when you are skyping someone else with skype. (You can also use the program to make phone calls to phones instead of computers, but this does cost something). The quality isn't always great, but it's a nice way to talk to someone face to face.